Today in science class we dissected a squid. First we looked at its outside features and then told our partner what they were. then we looked at the inside of the squid and described what the inside of the squid looked like. We described what the organs were Today in science class we dissected a squid. First we looked at its outside features and then told our partner what they were. then we looked at the inside of the squid and described what the inside of the squid looked like. Then we told each other what their organs did .
          After we dissected the squid we took of all of its organs. Then we pealed of the skin and gills. After that we cut of the head and legs. We threw the head away and gave the top of the head and the tentacles to our teacher. He fried them and then gave them to us. I had my squid with lemon and it was very good. Then i tried my squid tentacles with lemon and it was also good. The body of the squid was chewy and the tentacles were crunchy like french fries.     
     This weekend to am going to be working on a smurf village made out of cupcakes and frosting. I am doing this for extra credit in my art class. I will be using card board as the base of it. I will paint it green and will ad little decorative things like rivers and roads. I will be using blue frosting to make rivers and I will use gray frosting to make roads. I will also use green frosting to make little grass blotches near houses and near the roads. I will also use blue fondant to make Smurfet. I am going to put this on top of one of the cupcakes for the teacher. 
     Then we get down to thew smurf houses. I am going to put dark red frosting on the cupcakes to make them look like roofs. Then I am going to pot white dots on the cupcakes to make them look like mushrooms. Next i am going to place them in positions to look like they are part of the scenery. Next i am going to spray food coloring on the cupcakes to look like walls. Them i am going to take them to school to have everyone enjoy. 
     This weekend me and my friends are going to my b-day party. After school we are going to get in a limo! Then we are going to their houses and get their stuff. Then the real fun can begin, After we get all their stuff we are going to the mall on a scavenger hunt. I know it sounds like a kid think ,but we are going to be looking for stuff like bacon flavored lip gloss! Then after we are going top go to dinner at Red Robins. After we are going back to my Aunt's house ( Because it is huge) Then we are going to be up all night talking and watching movies .

       After all of my friends go home i am going to meet my sister at our cousins house and then we are going to swim for a bit with our little cousins, then after that we are going to get ready for our family party so all of my cousins . grandmas, and Aunts can come. Then after we are don eating we are going to open presents and eat cake. After all the fun is over we are going back to my aunts house and watch a movie or two then we are all going to bed. I cant wait to get out of school! Best Mom Ever!!!!!!
      This weekend My dad is going to take me, my sister, and maybe my friend to Big Hat Days. It will be my first time going. The first few times we tried to go we couldn't because something came up. Even though we didn't go the last few times I've heard muck about it. My dad says that they have tons of food and things to look at. He even said that he got our Alien and Predator statues. Even though we don't have a lot of money  we will be able to buy at least one thing.
     I hope to buy something that has to do with wolves, Peace signs, or Nature. If i cant find any thing that i don't like i will most likely find something for one of my grandmas. Two of them have their birthdays coming up so i will try to find some things along the line of fairies and dragons. While i am there i hope to try all the different foods their is and see all that can be seen their.I am also going to see if i can take one of our freinds to go along with us so i wont get boring. I am loooking forword to yhis weeken and h
This weekend I am going to to the store to get supplies for making a garden. My dad and sister are going to help me plan out what the garden will look like and were to put it. I live in a small apartment so i don't have much room. It is going to be hard to find a way to make a garden to fit, but i already have a place in mind. It is a little rectangular dirt patch covered with weeds. Weeds like a lot of sunlight so if their are lots of weeds that must mean that a lot of sun light jest to that particular spot. I hope to have a green thumb like my Minos so i can keep my plants alive. I wand pretty, big, and bright flower in my garden.

For winter break my Family and I are going to go up to Texas to go to my cousins weeding and visit my family members. We are also going to go up to San Fransisco to visit my mom. My mom works for P&G, so she works up their a lot. It is fun going to visit her because she gets free stuff like candy and gives it to us, she also knows every one that works their. I am really exited to go to my cousins wedding because we are going to get to go on a plain and I am also going to get to visit my baby cosin Addison
It is my sister's birthday today! I hope she likes being 11. We are going to take her to Red Robin to eat. For her birthday present I made her  a pillow out of old cloth that I found. I know that she will like it because I cut out her favorite animal (by hand) and sew it on. Her favorite animal is a narwhale (a small whale with a horn.) I made the main part of the pillow bright pink and made the narwhale purple with pink stiches.
I love 4 day weekends! This weekend I am going to go up to Sanfrancisco with my as soon as I get out of school. We get to go up there alot because my mom works up there. We usally have a plan when we go up. When we get there we go to Bennihana's, it is a great place to eat even though it is expencive. Then we go to peir 39 to shop nd lookat stuff and if we are luky we get to go to the aquerium. After all th fun we usally settle down in our hottel room and watch TV.
This weekend I am going to take my science teatcers pet rat home. I am also going to try and fix mt website so I can get a better grade and so I can go on the Utah trip,.I am also going to go to the Halloween store to see what I want to be this year.I am also going to help my mom plan our Halloween party.
This weekend me,my dad,and my sis are going to go to the blood drive. We are going to the blood drive because the people from their said that they needed blood and that they were runing low.I am going to give blood  even though I don't like needles