This weekend I am going to take my science teatcers pet rat home. I am also going to try and fix mt website so I can get a better grade and so I can go on the Utah trip,.I am also going to go to the Halloween store to see what I want to be this year.I am also going to help my mom plan our Halloween party.
This weekend me,my dad,and my sis are going to go to the blood drive. We are going to the blood drive because the people from their said that they needed blood and that they were runing low.I am going to give blood  even though I don't like needles

My favorite holiday  is halloween. I like halloween because you can get candy and scare people. I also throw a halloween party every other year. I like to throw halloween parties beacuse it is fun to invite yopur freinds over for a night and scare everyone. I also like to go trick or treating in my naighbor hood beacause everyone their gives out lots of candy
Today I am going to visit my mom up in San Francisco. When we get there we are going to go to this resturaunt called Bennihanas, ther food is so good they put garlic butter on every thing . It may not sound good but it is I like to get the Habachi shadowbrian it is very good. We stay up in a hotel called the Hyat. My mom nows every one that works there! I am going in my cosin Lacy's car, she is very nice and helpful. I cant wait untilm I am up there!