My favorite book was Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Sole. It is a book filled with heart warming stories about animals and people. For example, in one story a man had been depressed for a long time. Then one day his daughter gets him a dog. The dog makes him happy again and the daughter thought that the dog was a gift from god. One day the man dies after having a heart attack. After the dog figures out that the man wasn't coming back he all he did was eat, go to the bathroom, and sleep. After three day of wining the dog dies. The vet cant figure out why the dog died he was perfectly healthy. After the woman leaves the vet she figures out that the dog died of a broken heart. I just dont have any words to describe this book. After reading this blog i hope that you will get a chance to read this book and get the same fuzzy feeling inside. It lifts your spirit, brightens your day, and warms your heart. It is just amazing, after reading it i just feel peaceful and have a warm fuzzy felling inside
The thing that I am most looking forward to this week is Christmas. I like Christmas because every year my family and I get all of our old cloths, buy some food and donate the stuff that we gathered to Charity.  I like to do that beacuse it makes me feel good to help the less fortunate.
I think that the most important idea borrowed from china is the way they write. Since they borrowed that idea they might be able to comunicate by writing instead of having to talk. That would have been useful if they were going to declare war. It also helped because they didn't have to think of different ways to write, so they saved time having to think of theire own. 
The two most important Chinese achevments are the creation of gunpowder and the Grate Wall of China. Gunpowder is Important because it helped them gain streangth in war. The Grate Wall of China helped them protect there land and keep the empire safe from introuders.
I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for my family, my pets, and my grandma's bakery. I am thankful for my family because if they where not there I would not be here. I am thankful for my pets because when I was little a cat came into our house on  rainy night and had her kittens an my bed. I am thankful for that because if she had not ran into that house I might not appreceate animals today. I am thankful for my grandma's bakery because just as my grandma was about to close down the bakery I had gone to ever since I was little a new law was passed that people could work out of their homes. Once my grandma saw that she decided to work out of her house instead of closing down. I thankful every day not not just on Thanksgiving.
The griots were West African storytellers. Their role was to memorize stories of past events like stories of warriors or great kings stories




I think that the hardest place to live would be the desert. I think it would be the hardest place to live because there is very little water, many dangeres animals,and it can get super hot during the day and super cold at night. Since there is very little water there will also be very little food so you cold die from starvation and dehidration.There are also many dangoruse animals that can poison or hurt you.Since it gets super hot in the day you might get dehidrated, it also gets cold at night so you might get hypotermia or worse.

The 9/11 attacks were very tragic.All I know is that I was 1 when two terorists flew two planes in to the World Trade Center on Sept.11 and hundreds of men,women,and children died during the tragety.Ity effects me  by  if my freinds mom had not gotten out of the tower five minutes early I woulde not have my bestfreind today.I think it canged America for the better because now we have better airport sacerity

If I could have been in another for The Roman Fall simulation I would probably want to  be the barbarians beacuse I would have wanted reveng on the romans for being jerks like that and betraing us! Even though history makes the babarians sound bad they really were not. The romans treated the barbarians badly and even took their kids away to make them slaves! The romans didn't even trade them for alot .They traded them for dog meat! I know I would have done somthing if that happened to me.