The best thing about fall is Thanksgiving , the weather, and leaves. I like Thanksgiving because I am allowed to eat all the food and pumpkin pie I want. I like the weather because it is not to hot and not to cold. I like the leaves because they turn all different colors and on a wonderful fall morning it is fun to jump into all the leaves and hear the leaves crunch.
My first week at computech was fun. I made lots of new freinds and hope to make more.All the teachers are super nice. Some make the whole class giggle.I like the school i just dont like all the stuff they tell youy to bring. My back pack is so heavy I think that it weighs as much as my 10 year old sister.

I do not mind getting changed in front of other girls. I don't mined the P.E. clothes besides that thay are to baggy,but I do mind that we only have five minutes to change, that it is so hot in their and that we have to put our backpacks in our locker because I have so much stuff in their that I have to tack stuff out to make every thing fit.

The hardest thing I did this week was trying to finish all of my work.Their is to much homework to do in a day.Some times I cant  finish all that night and end up having to do the rest in the mourning or during break.The worst thing I did this week was get an F in English and world history beacuse I did not turn in my sylibys in on time. I did turn the sylibys in though and got my grade up to a C.I want to learn more science.Science has always been my favorite subject besides art.

I am reading A Lite In The Attic.It is a  funny poem book. My favorite poems are the poems about animals because the animals are always doing silly things like geting into trouble.My least favorit poems are the long ones because I just want to go to the next poem.I picked this book because I like poem bookes and I love the books that Shel Silverstine writes.